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2024-07-15 00:30| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


step1、单题开发,以两个数加法为例,加数取值范围[[0,101],要实现哪些功能,怎么实现? 引入随机函数库→import random 随机产生加数→ random.randintO) random.randranae0出题,题目打印→printO注意占位函数formatO或占位符%的使用做题,提供键盘输入接口 →input0 ·自动批阅→i条件语句使用 step2、增加模式选择,实现加减法,怎么实现,要注意哪些? 随机产生“+'或’模式→random.choice0) ·考虑减法模式下,不能出现被减数小于减数的情况→Python中的两数交换 考虑判题与原有题目的结构,建议将判题模块单列,只考虑输入的答案与实际的答案是否一致 step3、多题目模式,对题目数量有要求模式;对正确数量有要求模式;怎么实现?.多题量出题,考虑出题量为关注点的模式→for循环,其中循环次数应由用户从键盘输入.除了判断每一道题目的对错外,考虑统计做对的题目数 多题量出题,考虑做题正确率为关注点的模式→while循环,其中用做对的数量来进行条件的限制 step4、增加对用户误操作的判断 考虑小朋友在输入过程中,不小心误触碰键盘,导致输入的值为非数字型字符→s.isdigit0) .允许在初次误输入时,有第二次输入答案的机会 .考虑小朋友连续多次输入非数字型字符,可能是不想再进行练习,则应该中断本次练习,具体多少次 判断为不想做练习了,可以由用户输入决定,或者直接在代码中进行固定值设置。 中断→break


import random # 单题加法 def single_addition(): # 实现加法逻辑 pass # 加法或减法 def addition_or_subtraction(): # 实现加法或减法逻辑 pass # 多题模式 def multiple_questions(total_questions): # 实现多题模式逻辑 pass # 安全输入 def safe_input(prompt): # 实现安全输入逻辑 pass # 主程序 def main(): print("Welcome to the Arithmetic Practice System!") total_questions = safe_input("Enter the number of questions you want to solve: ") if total_questions is not None: multiple_questions(total_questions) if __name__ == "__main__": main()


Step 1: 单题加法练习


使用 random 库随机生成两个加数。打印出题并使用 input() 收集用户的答案。使用条件语句比较用户答案和正确答案。


import random def single_addition(): num1 = random.randint(0, 101) num2 = random.randint(0, 101) correct_answer = num1 + num2 user_answer = int(input(f"What is {num1} + {num2}? ")) if user_answer == correct_answer: print("Correct!") else: print(f"Wrong. The correct answer is {correct_answer}") Step 2: 增加模式选择


除了加法,引入减法。使用 random.choice() 随机选择加法或减法。确保减法中被减数不小于减数。


def addition_or_subtraction(): num1 = random.randint(0, 101) num2 = random.randint(0, 101) operation = random.choice(["+", "-"]) if operation == "-" and num1 < num2: num1, num2 = num2, num1 # 确保不出现负数结果 correct_answer = eval(f"{num1} {operation} {num2}") user_answer = int(input(f"What is {num1} {operation} {num2}? ")) if user_answer == correct_answer: print("Correct!") else: print(f"Wrong. The correct answer is {correct_answer}") Step 3: 多题目模式




def multiple_questions(): total_questions = int(input("How many questions would you like to solve? ")) correct_answers = 0 for _ in range(total_questions): if addition_or_subtraction(): # 使用之前定义的函数 correct_answers += 1 print(f"You answered {correct_answers} out of {total_questions} questions correctly.") Step 4: 处理用户误操作




def safe_input(prompt): attempts = 0 while attempts < 3: # 允许最多三次尝试 user_input = input(prompt) if user_input.isdigit(): return int(user_input) else: print("Please enter a valid number.") attempts += 1 print("Too many invalid attempts. Exiting.") return None # 或者使用 break 中断循环


import random def single_addition(): # 随机生成两个数字 num1 = random.randint(0, 101) num2 = random.randint(0, 101) # 显示加法题目 print(f"What is {num1} + {num2}? ") # 获取用户答案 user_answer = int(input()) # 比较用户答案与正确答案 correct_answer = num1 + num2 if user_answer == correct_answer: print("Correct!") else: print(f"Wrong. The correct answer is {correct_answer}.") def addition_or_subtraction(): # 随机生成两个数字 num1 = random.randint(0, 101) num2 = random.randint(0, 101) # 随机选择加法或减法 operation = random.choice(["+", "-"]) # 确保在减法情况下,第一个数字不小于第二个数字 if operation == "-" and num1 < num2: num1, num2 = num2, num1 # 显示题目 print(f"What is {num1} {operation} {num2}? ") # 获取用户答案 user_answer = int(input()) # 计算正确答案 if operation == "+": correct_answer = num1 + num2 else: correct_answer = num1 - num2 # 比较用户答案与正确答案 if user_answer == correct_answer: print("Correct!") else: print(f"Wrong. The correct answer is {correct_answer}.") # 多题模式 def addition_or_subtraction(): num1 = random.randint(0, 101) num2 = random.randint(0, 101) operation = random.choice(["+", "-"]) if operation == "-" and num1 < num2: num1, num2 = num2, num1 print(f"What is {num1} {operation} {num2}? ") user_answer = int(input()) if operation == "+": correct_answer = num1 + num2 else: correct_answer = num1 - num2 return user_answer == correct_answer # 多题模式函数 def multiple_questions(total_questions): correct_answers = 0 for _ in range(total_questions): if addition_or_subtraction(): correct_answers += 1 print(f"You answered {correct_answers} out of {total_questions} questions correctly.") # 例子:运行10个题目的练习 multiple_questions(10) def safe_input(prompt): max_attempts = 3 # 设置最大尝试次数 attempts = 0 while attempts < max_attempts: user_input = input(prompt) # 检查输入是否为数字 if user_input.isdigit(): return int(user_input) else: print("Invalid input. Please enter a number.") attempts += 1 # 增加尝试次数 print("Too many invalid attempts. Exiting.") return None # 返回一个错误指示值 # 例子:安全获取用户输入 user_number = safe_input("Enter a number: ") if user_number is not None: print(f"You entered: {user_number}") else: print("No valid input received.") # 主程序 def main(): print("Welcome to the Arithmetic Practice System!") total_questions = safe_input("Enter the number of questions you want to solve: ") if total_questions is not None: multiple_questions(total_questions) # 程序入口 if __name__ == "__main__": main()







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